
About Me
recycling abandoned trash and items

I began taking an interest in every aspect of recycling when an area close to my hometown was destroyed by people dumping off trash and unwanted items. This area was down a long dirt road that was rarely used by anyone other than those looking for a scenic drive on a nice day. I took part in the clean-up effort and that was when my recycling obsession was sparked. From that point on, I have stopped along the road to pick up trash and dumped off items. Once I have these items, I do my best to break them down and recycle every element possible. This blog will show you all kinds of things about recycling that you may not already know.


Did Your DIY Ex Leave A Garage Full Of Stuff? 5 Things That Cannot Be Thrown Away

2 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Having years together with someone could mean having years of stuff piling up throughout your home and your garage. If your ex was a DIY type of person and left behind a mess, you may be ready to get rid of it all. However, you should be careful of what you throw away. Besides being bad for the environment wasting away in a landfill, there are some items that could land you with a fine. Read More …

There Is More To Recycling Than Separating Your Paper And Plastics, and Trash: Items Your Restaurant Should Be Separating

27 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

No matter what type of restaurant you run, part of your social responsibility includes the proper disposal of commercial trash. If you have recycling trash cans at all the work stations, and large bins out back for paper and plastics, it is a good start. Many other items are used and thrown away during the course of the business that could be recycled. Here are a few examples of things you need to be separating from your regular trash. Read More …